Cellina (Wealth, Health, Love)
Cellina✨$128 (Wealth, Health, Love)
Madagascar Rose Quartz ~ increases self esteem and is recommended to attract love as well as stabilise marriage. It is also a good stone for children as well as general well being in life. It dispels negativity and encourages self love and self trust .The is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra. Good for 人缘too.
White jade may bring prosperity, abundance and richness in life.Ever since the ancient times, this talisman has been treasured due to its abilities in bringing luck in business, health, and love.
It is also a beneficial stone when you are beginning to lose your confidence in your own motivation and self-confidence in attaining your goals in life. love luck or improving human relationships.This gem also has a meaning and property in healing a hurt feelings due to past experiences.